Lernerville Speedway



    Lernerville Speedway

    Fab4 and Special Events Highlight Mega 2022 Schedule at Lernerville Speedway

    Sarver, PA (December 17, 2021) Lernerville Speedway is proud to announce their 2022 schedule that includes an increased number of Fab4 Revved Up with Marburger Farm Dairy events as well as national and regional sanctioned events including the ˜16th Annual Big River Steel Firecracker 100, the ˜Don Martin Memorial Silver Cup XXXI, and the ˜Commonwealth Clash.

    The 2022 campaign will kick off earlier than in recent years with Test & Tune sessions on both March 18th and 25th. The Opening Night for the Fab4 Revved Up with Marburger Farm Dairy divisions including the Peoples Natural Gas Sprints, Precise Racing Products Late Models, Diehl Automotive Modifieds, and the Millerstown Pic-A-Part Pro Stocks will hit the speedway on Friday, April 1st for the first of sixteen scheduled Fab4 Fridays. The month of April will wrap up with the previously announced visit from the FloRacing All Star Circuit of Champions presented by Mobil 1 on Friday, April 29.

    In May, the United Late Model Series (ULMS) and the Bicknell Racing Products (BRP) Modified Tour will make their first appearances at ˜The Action Track on May 13 and May 20 respectively, both as part of weekly Fab4 action. The Western PA Sprint Speedweek will welcome the month of June as they also join Fab4 action on the third of the month. On June 10th we will honor our fans with Fan Appreciation Night and Holiday Races that include fireworks before our Fab4 Revved Up with Marburger Farm Dairy mid-season championships on June 17.

    After the mid-season championships comes one of the most anticipated events on the 2022 Lernerville Speedway schedule as the Lucas Oil Late Model Dirt Series makes their debut at the Sarver oval for the $50,000 to-win, ˜Big River Steel Firecracker 100 on June 23, 24, and 25. If that wasnt monumental enough, the RUSH Late Model Touring Series will also be in action for a groundbreaking $20,000 to-win prize for the ˜Bill Emig Memorial!

    The excitement continues Wednesday, July 6, as the FloRacing All Star Circuit of Champions presented by Mobil 1 will return to Lernerville for the ˜Don Martin Memorial Silver Cup XXXI that will again pay a whopping $25,000 to the winner and be one of the highest paying events on the All Stars 2022 schedule. As a bonus, the RUSH Sprint Cars have been added to the program as well.

    The ever popular ˜RUSH Summer Showcase will return on July 22 that will feature the RUSH family of divisions as well as the BOSS Sprints and the Allegheny Sprint Tour. And as the Fab4 weekly season winds to an end, the fan favorite ˜Sprint Car Spectacular that includes the Peoples Sprints, the Allegheny Sprint Tour, and RUSH Wingless Sprints returns on August 12. The ULMS Late Models will make their second of three visits with the Fab4 on August 19, one week before the Fab4 season comes to an end on Championship Night, scheduled for August 26.

    The always entertaining school bus races, enduro and bike races are scheduled for both Saturday, July 2 as well as Saturday, September 10 before our the annual ˜Commonwealth Clash featuring the Peoples Sprints on September 17! More details regarding the new and improved ˜Commonwealth Clash will be provided soon.

    And as has come to be tradition at Lernerville Speedway, the 2022 season will end with the ˜Steel City Stampede. The 14th edition of the ˜Stampede will feature multiple divisions as usual including, but not limited to, the Peoples Sprints, Precise Racing Products Late Models, Diehl Automotive Modifieds, Millerstown Pic-A-Part Pro Stocks, RUSH Late Model Touring Series, RUSH Sportsman Modifieds, and the RUSH Wingless Sprints.

    In addition to the release of the 2022 schedule, Lernerville Speedway is also proud to announce a new and improved online ticketing system that will be ready to launch come mid-January. The new system will guide you to your preferred seats at the ˜The Action Track including the ˜Big River Steel Firecracker 100, ˜Don Martin Memorial Silver Cup XXXI, and every other event including weekly Fab4 action.

    For more information on Don Martins Lernerville Speedway please visit www.Lernerville.com. For more information on the FloRacing All Star Circuit of Champions presented by Mobil 1 please visit www.AllStarSprint.com. For more information on the Lucas Oil Late Model Dirt Series please visit www.lucasdirt.com. For more information on the ULMS Late Models please visit www.ulmsracing.com. For more information on the BRP Modifieds please visit www.themodifiedtourinc.com. For more information on the RUSH Racing family please visit www.rushracingseries.com.

    2022 Don Martins Lernerville Speedway Schedule

    March 18: Test & Tune “ Swap Meet/Auction

    March 25: Test & Tune 

    April 1: Opening Night 2022 - Fab4 Revved Up with Marburger Farm Dairy (Points Begin)

    April 8: Fab4 Revved Up with Marburger Farm Dairy

    April 15: OFF œEaster Break?

    April 22: Fab4 Revved Up with Marburger Farm Dairy

    April 29: FloRacing All Star Circuit of Champions Sprint Cars present by Mobil 1 including Millerstown Pic-A-Part Pro Stocks and RUSH Sportsman Modifieds

    May 6: Fab4 Revved Up with Marburger Farm Dairy

    May 13: ULMS Late Models plus Peoples Sprints, Diehl Modifieds and Millerstown Pic-A-Part Pro Stocks

    May 20: BRP Modified Tour plus Peoples Sprints, Millerstown Pic-A-Part Pro Stocks, RUSH Late Models

    May 27: Fab4 Revved Up with Marburger Farm Dairy including Allegheny Sprint Tour (No Precise Late Models)

    May 31(Tues): Test & Tune plus Mini Stocks (Free Grandstand Admission)

    June 3: Western PA Sprint Speedweek plus Precise Late Models, Diehl Modifieds, Millerstown Pic-A-Part Pro Stocks

    June 10: Fab4 Revved Up with Marburger Farm Dairy “ Holiday Races with Fireworks

    June 17: Fab4 Revved Up with Marburger Farm Dairy “ Mid-Season Championship

    16th Annual Lucas Oil Late Model Dirt Series ˜Big River Steel Firecracker 100 Weekend including RUSH Late Models ˜Bill Emig Memorial

    June 23: $6,000 to-win ˜Big River Steel Firecracker 100 Qualifier “ RUSH Late Models Qualifying

    June 24: $6,000 to-win ˜Big River Steel Firecracker 100 Qualifier “ RUSH Late Models Prelim

    June 25: $50,000 to-win ˜Big River Steel Firecracker 100 “ $2,000 to-win ˜Uncle Sam 30 - $20,000 to-win ˜Bill Emig Memorial

    July 2 (Sat): Summer Vacation School Bus Races, Enduro, Bike Races and more

    July 6 (Wed): Don Martin Memorial Silver Cup XXXI FloRacing All Star Circuit of Champions Sprint Cars presented by Mobil 1 including RUSH Wingless Sprints

    July 8: Fab4 Revved Up with Marburger Farm Dairy including Allegheny Sprint Tour (No Peoples Sprints)

    July 15: Fab4 Revved Up with Marburger Farm Dairy

    July 22: RUSH Summer Showcase plus BOSS Sprint Series and Allegheny Sprint Tour

    July 26 (Tues): Test & Tune plus Mini Stocks (Free Grandstand Admission)

    July 29: Fab4 Revved Up with Marburger Farm Dairy

    August 5: Fab4 Revved Up with Marburger Farm Dairy

    August 12: Sprint Car Spectacular including Peoples Natural Gas Sprints, Allegheny Sprint Tour, RUSH Sprints

    August 19: ULMS Late Models plus Peoples Sprints, Diehl Modifieds and Millerstown Pic-A-Part Pro Stocks

    August 26: Fab4 Revved Up with Marburger Farm Dairy “ Championship Night

    August 30 (Tues): Test & Tune plus Mini Stocks (Free Grandstand Admission)

    Sept. 2: Rain Date for Championship Night

    Sept. 10 (Sat): Back to School Bus Races, Enduro, Bike Races and more

    Sept. 17 (Sat): ˜Commonwealth Clash including Peoples Sprints plus RUSH Sportsman Modifieds

    14th Annual ˜Steel City Stampede Weekend

    Oct. 13: Steel City Stampede “ Practice

    Oct. 14: Steel City Stampede “ Preliminary events

    Oct. 15: Steel City Stampede “ Championships

    Schedule is Tentative and Subject to Change without Notice

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