Lernerville Speedway
Quick Results- Steel City Stampede Night 2- King, King Jr, Kemenah Take $3,000 Paydays
John Stivason-Stivason Photos
Sarver, PA (October 19, 2019)Â The final checkered flag fell over The Action Track on Saturday night during night three of the annual Steel City Stampede. And when all was said and done, 324 cars had participated and 14 belt buckle trophies were awarded as the area racing season came to a close.
Russ King overcame a hard charging Max Blair to take the honors in the Precise Racing Products DIRTcar Late Models while Rex King Jr put on a dominant performance in wiring the field in the Diehl Automotive Big Block Modifieds. In the Peoples Gas DIRTcar Sprints, Chad Kemenah stopped in and paid a visit and was rewarded with a feature victory while Chris Schneider stayed on top of the Open Pro Stocks for 20 laps, collecting his second $1,000 feature win at Lernerville this season.
In RUSH action, Blair bested a strong and deep field of Late Models to collect the $2,000 feature win while Zach Morrow overcame a strong performance from Kevin Ruhlman to collect the victory in the RUSH Sprint Car main event. And in RUSH Sportsman Modified action, Eric Gabany found Terry Bowser Victory Lane for his first career Stampede victory.
In UMP Modified racing, Brian Ruhlman ruled the field en route to victory in the 20 lap, $1,000 to win main event. Meanwhile, Ty Rhoades dominated the field of Elite Modifieds on hand. Greg Doborosky managed to take yet another victory in 305 RaceSaver Sprint Car action and in the 4 Cylinder main event, Philip Bubeck pulled of a major upset when he defeated four time winner Eric Boozel with a late race pass to collect his first Stampede victory.
DIRTcar Open Pro Stock Main Event- 20 Laps-$1,000 to win
(55) Chris Schneider
(17) Jackson Humanic
(33X) Jim Nicely
(29) Curtis Bish
(13X) Ryan Moyer
(C33) Corey McPherson
(948) Joey Zambotti
(27) Tyler Dietz
(310) Dale Tuche
(114) Daryl Charlier
(104) Alan Lamb
(7s) Alan Dellinger
(24) Tyler Wyant
(22JR) Chase Lambert
(77) Heath Close
(3C) Barry Faris
(66) Joe Kelley
(25) Andrew Gordon
(18s) Martin Spade Jr.
(67x) Danny Rich
(81s) Nate Smith
(81) Mike Miller- Did Not Start
(7W) Bobby Whitling- DQ
(45) Todd Weldon- DQ
RUSH Late Model Main Event- 25 Laps- $2,000 to win
(111) Max Blair
(3J) Jeremy Wonderling
(60M) John Mollick
(184) Kyle Lukon
(11F) Ryan Frazee
(91) Chad Homan
(03) Garrett Paugh
(5z) Robbie Scott
(90J) Mike Duritsky
(11L) John Waters
(14D) Braeden Dillinger
(24B) Brad Mesler
(184x) Alex Ferree
(7) Brian Knowles
(1Z) Logan Zarin
(21) Kyle Murray
(21J) Jamie Wrightsman
(21W) Bud Watson
(93x) Justin Lamb
(10) Zach Kane
(09) Bill Kessler
(J19) Jason Fosnaught
(41B) Clin Burke
(948) Joey Zambotti
(3) Bruce Hordusky
Precise Racing DIRTcar Late Models Main Event- 25 Laps- $3,000 to win
(56) Russ King
(111) Max Blair
(72) Michael Norris
(4s) David Scott
(94) Bryce Dvis
(5L) Jon Lee
(111L) Matt Lux
(91) Tommy Beck
(29) Kenny Schaltenbrand
(B1) Brandon Wearing
(55) Chris Schneider
(W3) John Weaver
(65) Derek Stefanick
(14r) Clay Ruffo
(217) Howard Farley
(21K) Joe Kienzle
(10) Jared Miley
(14) Travis Hayes
(1C) Mike Pegher
(77) Tyler Dietz
(23) Tony Burke
(81) Mike Miller
(92w) Joel Watson
(92) Jayme Beck
(84) Andrew Wylie- Did Not Start
Diehl Automotive DIRTcar Big Block Modified Main Event- 25 Laps- $3,000 to win
(165) Rex King Jr.
(37MD) Jeremiah Shingledecker
(29) Garrett Krummert
(83) Brian Swartzlander
(26) Rick Richner
(32) Jim Rasey
(65) Rex King Sr.
(28H) Jimmy Holden
(96) Mike turner
(13) Rick Regalski
(88) Shawn Fleeger
(03) Mark Frankhouser
(64) Rodney Beltz
(75) Jeff Miller
(25) Chris Rudolph
(4J) John Mollick
(27r) David Reges
(83T) Ralph McBride
(22) Kevin Long
UMP Modified Main Event- 20 Laps- $1,000 to win
(49) Brian Ruhlman
(5) Jonathan Taylor
(27r) Steve Rex
(19) Butch Lambert
(20P) Mike Kinney
(6m) Carl McKinney
(68) Randy Hall
(33) Josh Ferry
(07p) Tim Peterson
(11m) Michael McGee
(54s) Shawn Shingledecker
(16G) Brandon Grossman
(2G) Jesse Gould
(11) Dale Charlier
(21) Eric Reinwald
(217) Howard Fraley
(9E) Mike Eschrich
(58) George Becket
(24m) Joshua Cramer
(71D) Dan Davies
(48) Rick Strickler
(P7) Cody Quarnik
(10s) Dan Stalnaker
(71L) Dennis Lunger- Did Not Start
Peoples Natural Gas Sprint Car Main Event- 25 Laps- $3,000 to win
(K4) Chad Kemenah
(11) Carl Bowser
(J4) John Garvin
(4n) Dale Blaney
(46) Michael Bauer
(22) Brandon Spithaler
(42) Sye Lynch
(23) Darren Pifer
(27) Zach Morrow
(14) Jeremy Hill
(G1) Mike Miller
(91) Sadie Siegel
(154) Shamus ODonnell
Allegheny Sprint Tour 305 RaceSaver Sprint Main Event- 20 Laps- $800 to win
(88) Greg Dobrosky
(4J) Jake Gomola
(29B) Robbie Bartchy
(80) Kyle Colwell
(X7) Andy Cavanaugh
(00s) Randy Sterling
(31c) Chase Metheney
(41) Matt Gardina
(56) Steve Cousins
(347) Nevan ODonnell
(154) Shamus ODonnell
RUSH Sprint Car Main Event- 20 Laps- $800 to win
(27) Zach Morrow
(49) Brian Ruhlman
(36) Shawn Smith
(23) Kevin Ruhlman
(8B) Brian Woodhall
(41) Jeremy Weaver
(21) Steve Pedley
(87R) Chad Ruhlman
(10) Brandon Blackshear
(27H) Brandon Hawkins
(69) Brian Hartzell
(37) Scott Hawkins
(9J) Andy Feil
(25) Nolan Groves
(27) Dave Hawkins
(35) Tyler Powell
(33x) Greg Beach
(35) Matt Sherlock
(18) Arnie Kent
(19) Brandon Blackshear
RUSH Sportsman Modified Main Event- 20 Laps- $800 to win
(4s) Eric Gabany
(14) Rex King Jr.
(9D) Josh Deesn
(10s) Garrett Krummert
(5) Brian Sadler
(00) Rob Kristyak
(32) Jim Rasey
(63T) Tony Tatgenhorst
(43J) Blaze Myers
(2) Kole Holden
(8) Kyle Martell
(11J) David Kalb Jr.
(44) Kyle Fink
(17) Brandon Ritchey
(28J) Jacob Jordan
(25) Greg Porter
(86) Shayne Izzo
(29) Steve Slater
(55R) Clayton Deems
(19G) Joe Gibson
(12) Jeremy Weaver
(C3) Chas Wolbert
(16C) Amelia Clay
(30) Brandon Albert
Elite Modified Series Main Event-20 Laps- $500 to win
(12R) Ty Rhoades
(7G) Garrett Calvet
(00) Nate Hartzell
(64) Chris Schneider
(12) Mitchell Lam
(21) Jarrett Young
(83) Jeremy Double
(J19) Jason Fosnaught
(05) Adam Peterson
(22) Patrick Drennan
(7) Coy Quarink
(74) J.J. Bametzrieder
(15) Mike Miller
(19) Butch Lambert
4 Cylinder Main Event- 15 Laps- $500 to win
(2L) Philip Bubeck
(265) Eric Boozel
(95) Jacob Bright
(40c) Joe Campbell
(81s) David Smail
(10) Bill Fuchs
(119) Todd Davis
(28) David Friend
(13) Greg Kiehl
(19A) Bill Eckenrode
(17) Larry Weltz
(14M) Jeremy Hill
(00d) Dave Phillips
(Co4) Dave Seibert Jr.
(56m) Jacob Mcelcavy
(3H) Shawn Hadden
(13J) Jay Swager Jr.
(38) Bruce Milbert
(31m) Greg Marks
(59) Jerry Batcher
(95T) Bill Tennant
(74) Brandon McWilliams
(717) Matthew Weltz
(66) Mike Strouse
270cc Micro Sprint Main Event- 12 Laps
(10L) Wesley Libert
(7) Noah Wirginis
(33) Tanner Price
(1L) Ivan Johnson
(0) Michael Mecklem
(15H) Luke Hails
(4x12) Garth Fochler
(2) Chris Kennedy
600 cc Micro Sprint Main Event- 8 Laps
(98) Jomarie Gagne
(39) Jon Adams
(33T) Tom Morell
Super Six Late Model Heat Main Event- 15 Laps- $700 to win
(10) Levi Spinneweber
(4) Greg Beach
(36s) Curtis Stivason
(1) Frank McFeathers
(18) Alex Feree
(34) Ed Dunkel
(54) Nathan Mechling
(7) Dylan Morado
(03) Craig Cummings
(12) Mat Cajka
(6) Mike Spinneweber
(14) Shane Spinneweber- Did Not Start
RUSH Late Model Non Qualifiers Race- 10 Laps
(15) Chad Sines
(42) Bob Springer
(11s) Bob Oaks
(22J) Josh Stoica
(112) Jacob Peterson
(33x) Eric Hamilton
(58B) John Boring
(5BAD) Tyler Allison
(31x) Ricky Steigerwald
Enduro 100 Final Results
Results from Friday Nights Heldover Heat Races
DIRTcar UMP Modified Heat 1:
(71L) Dennis Lunger Jr.
(49) Brian Ruhlman
(5) Jonathan Taylor
(48) Rick Strickler
(71D) Dan Davies
(217) Howard Fraley
(2G) Jesse Gould
(54) Shawn Shingledcker
(11m) Michael McGee
(6m) Carl McKinney
(07p) Tim Peterson
(9E) Mike Eschrich
DIRTcar UMP Modified Heat 2:
(20P) Mike Kinney
(68) Randy Hall
(27r) Steve Rex
(19) Butch Lambert
(17G) Brandon Grossman
(58) George Beckett
(11) Dale Charlier
(P7) Cory Quarnik
10s) Dan Stalnaker
(33c) Josh Ferry
(21) Eric Reinwald
(24m) Joshua Cramer
Peoples Natural Gas Sprint Car Heat 1:
(46) Michael Bauer
(J4) John Garvin
(4n) Dale Blaney
(G1) Mike Miller
(27) Zach Morrow
(154) Shamus ODonnell
Peoples Natural Gas Sprint Car Heat 2:
(K4) Chad kemenah
(42) Sye Lynch
(11) Carl Bowser
(22) Brandon Spithaler
(23) Darren Pifer
(91) Sadie Siegel
(14) Jeremy Hill
Allegheny Sprint Tour 305 RaceSaver Sprint Heat 1:
(80JR) Kyle Colwell
(00s) Randy Sterling
(29B) Robbie Bartchy
(X7) Andy Cavanaugh
(4J) Jacob Gomola
(31c) Chase Metheney
(88) Greg Dobrosky
(347) Nevan ODonnell
(56) Steve Cousins
(41) Matt Gardina
(154) Shamus ODonnell
RUSH Late Model Dash
(3J) Jeremy Wonderling
(111) Max Blair
(11F) Ryan Frazee
(60M) John Mollick
(91) Chad Homan
(184) Kyle Lukon
(11L) John Waters
(184X) Alex Ferree
RUSH Sprint Heat 1:
(49) Brian Ruhlman
(35) Tyler Powell
(37) Scott Hawkins
(27M) Zach Morrow
(9J) Andy Feil
(10) Brandon Blackshear
(18) Arnie Kent
(27) Dave Hawkins
(19) Brad Blackshear
(27H) Brandon Hawkins
RUSH Sprint Heat 2:
(36) Shawn Smith
(41) Jeremy Weaver
(23) Kevin Ruhlman
(33x) Greg Beach
(69) Brian Hartzell
(21) Steve Pedley
(87R) Chad ruhlman
(8B) Brian Woodhall
(25) Nolan Groves
(55) Matt Sherlock
RUSH Sportsman Modified Heat 1:
(00) Rob Kristyak
(9D) Josh Deemsn
(63T) Tony Tatgenhorst
(32) Jim Rasey
(10s) Garrett Krummert
(86) Shayne Izzo
(2 ) Kole Holden
(28J) Jacob Jordan
(0) Mike Smith
RUSH Sportsman Modified Heat 2:
(14) Rex King Jr.
(5) Brian Sadler
(8) Kyle Martell
(1J) David Kalb Jr.
(C3) Chas Wolbert
(30) Brandon Albert
(25) Greg Porter
(29) Steve Slater
RUSH Sportsman Modified Heat 3:
(4s) Eric Gabany
(43J) Blaze Myers
(12) Jeremy Weaver
(16C) Amelia Clay
(44) Kyle Fink
(17) Brandon Ritchey
(19G) Joe Gibson
(55R) Clayton Deems
Elite Modified Series Heat 1:
(12R) Ty Rhoades
(00) Nate Hartzell
(15) Mike Miller
(19) Butch Lambert
(21) Jarrett Young
(J19) Jason Fosnaught
(05) Adam Peterson
Elite Modified Series Heat 2:
(64) Chris Schneider
(12) Mitchell Lam
(83) Jeremy Double
(7G) Garrett Calvert
(74) J.J. Bametzrieder
(22) Patrick Drennan
(7) Cody Quarink
4 Cylinder Heat 1:
(119) Todd Davis
(17) Larry Weltz
(95T) Bill Tennant
(10) Bill Fuchs
(13J) Jay Swager Jr.
(00d) Dave Phillips
(19A) Bill Eckenrode
(223) Cameron Lambert
(1) Ben Lehane
4 Cylinder Heat 2:
(265) Eric Boozel
(59) Jerry Batcher
(13) Greg Kiehl
(38) Bruce Milbert
(75) Sean Collins
(66) Mike Strouse
(233) Glenn Kopec
(31) Nick Robie
4 Cylinder Heat 3:
(2L) Philip Bubeck
(40c) Joe Campbell
(C04) David Seibert Jr.
(56M) Jaob Mcelcavy
(74) Brandon McWilliams
(1B) Leonard Baker
(34) JR SHaner
(42H) Jeff Huber
270cc Micro Sprint Heat 1:
(95) Jacob Bright
(717) Matthew Weltz
(3H) Shawn Hadden
(14M) Jeremy Hill
(81s) David Smail
(28) David Smail
(28) David Friend
(64) James Huber
(42) Kelly Clark
270 Micro Sprint Heat 1:
(7) Noah Wirginis
(33) Tanner Price
(10L) Wesley Libert
(1L) Ivan Johnson
(2) Chris Kennedy
(4x12) Garth Gochler
(0) Michael Mecklem
(15H) Luke Hails
600 cc Micro Sprint Heat 1:
(33T) Tom Morell
(98) Jomarie Gagne
(39) Jon Adams
Super Six Late Model Heat 1
(18) Alex Ferree
(14) Shane Spinneweber
(7) Dylan Morando
(12) Mat Cajka
(54) Nathan Mechling
(1) Frank McFeaters
Super Six Late Model Heat 2
(10) Levi Spinneweber
(36s) Curtis Stivason
(4) Greg Bech
(03) Craig Cummings
(34) Ed Dunkel
(6) Mike Spinneweber
Total Car Count- 324
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